We at Associated Industrial Furnaces (P) Limited are committed to become the best of corporate citizens by adopting and maintaining the highest standards in Health and Safety through:

  • Making all Employees aware of their Health and Safety obligations and responsibilities towards themselves as well as all co-employees i.e. Contractors, Customers and Visitors and to the society at large.
  • Providing support, assistance and counseling to Employees to promote good Health and safety practices in whatever we do.
  • Implementing programs and taking measures to mitigate construction and operational related risks during all phases of execution at our different project site.
  • Continuously striving for improvement in safety practices in our offices, construction sites and vendor premises for a better quality of life.









Ecospace Business Park
Block-3A, 4th Floor, Unit No. - 401C
Hidco Action Area II, Newtown, Rajarhat,
Kolkata-700160, India
Tel: +91 33 40300400,
Fax: +91 33 40300402